Get the power of eSignal with award-winning technical analysis indicators
Not including real-time exchange fees
30-Day Money Back Guarantee
Access powerful trend analysis with Elliott Waves, Fibonacci and Gann tools. Find trade opportunities with exclusive market scanner and 20+ predictive indicators. Trade all asset classes using rule-based techniques. Quickly identify trends; determine entry, exit, support and resistance targets.
Instant access to 100s of associated charts. Customize to display your required chart intervals. Use eSignal Formula Script (EFS) to build and adjust strategies.
The eSignal Elite product combines the powerful eSignal platform with exclusive proprietary Advanced GET indicators. Compares the current market with historical patterns and statistical behavior to generate objective Elliott wave counts. Automatically provides price projections showing the most likely price range that a wave will reach. Time tested rules based algorithm.
The eSignal Market Profile™ Graphing Tool is a fully featured, robust charting format that includes all the original Market Profile™ graph attributes as well as newer features that have evolved since the original Market Profile graph was introduced.
Allows traders to look inside of a typical candlestick to see whether buyers or sellers had control at any specific price level.
30-Day Money Back Guarantee*
Not including real-time exchange fees
30-Day Money Back Guarantee*
Not including real-time exchange fees
30-Day Money Back Guarantee*
30-Day Money Back Guarantee*
Not including real-time exchange fees
30-Day Money Back Guarantee*
Not including real-time exchange fees
30-Day Money Back Guarantee*
* If cancelled within the 30 days. Minus applicable add-on service / exchange fees and activation fees. The refund will initiate processing after the cycle-end date. New eSignal customers only.
† Excludes exchange fees
†† Additional fees apply
eSignal requires a Windows Operating System and is not Mac-compatible. See System Requirements for more information.
Before you decide to subscribe to eSignal and download the application, please ensure that your PC meets the proper System Requirements. In particular you will need a Windows Operating System as eSignal is not compatible with Mac (i.e. Macintosh/Apple) or Linux Operating Systems.
If you plan on running the software for Windows through a firewall or from your workplace, please read this important information before downloading.
Downloading the eSignal trading software is easy. Complete the steps shown below on installing and running eSignal trading software for the first time.
That is it! You are now ready to start using eSignal trading software. Simply look for the eSignal icon on your desktop to start the program. For a complete list of integrated brokers, including compatibility information, see our trading integration partner page.
Note: In the rare instance that you run into a problem while installing, you can choose Save when the installer dialogue box appears. Our installer will load the compressed eSignal program into a file and download it to your PC. This takes 10 – 20 seconds on a high-speed connection. Once this file has successfully loaded onto your PC, you simply double-click to start the installer and perform step 2 as described above.
If you’ve already signed up for eSignal, download the trading software here and get started today. Note: If you are upgrading to eSignal version 12.x, please perform a backup of your existing version before you begin the upgrade.
Which version of eSignal 12 should I download (32-bit or 64-bit)?
eSignal 12 has two versions available to support a broader range of PCs, 32-bit and 64-bit. To find out which version is best for you:
Right click the Computer icon on your Desktop or left click the Start Menu and go to “Control Panel“, then “System“. Look at “Properties“ or “System“ in the “System type“ area to see what operating system you have installed and proceed to select the appropriate version.